At 13:34 24.6.1998 -0400, you wrote: > Hi everybody, > > I«d like to know if somebody can help me out with it: > > I got to measure current controled with the 16C715 PIC, the range: the >minimum as possible to 2 or 3 AMPs. > > What method is apropiate ? > > Some of you have an explanation sheet with the theory ? > > Some schematic ? > > Thanks to all of you for the time... > I wrote it just several minutes ago as reply to another subject. Check the MAX4172 IC, produced by Maxim. This IC should be sufficient for your purposes. Best regards PavelK ************************************************************************** * Pavel Korensky * * DATOR3 LAN Services spol. s r.o. * * Modranska 1895/17, 143 00, Prague 4, Czech Republic * * * * PGP Key fingerprint: F3 E1 AE BC 34 18 CB A6 CC D0 DA 9E 79 03 41 D4 * * * * SUMMA SCIENTIA - NIHIL SCIRE * **************************************************************************