Hello All! Instead of asking about small parts of my problem, I'll explain what I intend to do with fuel measurement. Maybe this helps people help me better! 8) So: I have a Toyota LandCruiser, 18 years of age. Cheap car, but great for 4x4 fun-races. There's a lot of those races in Portugal, and, since they are for fun, but still they are races, a lot of people buys old 4x4s and adapt them. Add a few extra bumpers, cut weight where it ain't needed, add really mean tires, etc... There are people with new 4x4s. I pity them, though... My old 4x4, with it's simple transmission, no blocking, gets first with no problem. I've rolled it to the side, once. So what? It's old anyway. Driving on the road is a pain, of course, but that's not its purpose. What we really need in this races, is the distance measuring, with 10 meters accuracy. But, since the PIC would be quite bored just doing that, I want to had some extra features, like fuel consuption. I was thinking of three sensors: Fuel, RPM, and distance. With this, I can calculate: Kms remaining in tank, average speed, time to get there, recommended gear, etc, etc... Just pick the variables and juggle them. So, as you can see, I have to think of cars which have no electronics, not only my car, but maybe other similar, old, ones. Thanx for your help, Nuno Pedrosa -- _/^\_ __ _____/\_________________________________oOOo__O-O__oOOo______/oo\____ /\/ / Nuno Filipe Freitas Pedrosa __ /..\__/ \ \/\ mailto:Nuno.Pedrosa@oen.siemens.de /`'\\__/-\ __ \/\ \ Tel. : 0049-89-72222342 \__/ \__//@@\ ___/ /\/_______________________________________________/OO\_..__\__/_ \/ \__/