Or better yet, a PCI based interface? Altera and Xilinx both offer PCI cores for their FPGA's I'd be interested in at least the ISA interface, figure its just basically a parallel dump of data and control for reads and writes. ---------- From: Gary T. Pepper [SMTP:gpepper@CAPITALNET.COM] Sent: Thursday, June 25, 1998 2:10 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Using a PC modem with a PIC Hello Everyone, After reading the thread about using a 16c64 to dial a modem and link to a PC, I've thought of a variation to this question: Since PC-based modems are relatively cheap and plentiful these days, has anyone tried to take an off-the-shelf PC-based modem card (e.g. ISA based) and interface it directly to any PIC processor? This might be an easy (and cheap) method of getting PIC-based modem communications going. Of course, one could also use an external modem that communicates via an RS232 link, however, an ISA-based modem card soution is likely cheaper. Any comments? Regards, Gary Pepper Ottawa, Ontario, Canada e-mail: gpepper@capitalnet.com