Philip A. Bernard, MD wrote: > > I've gotten a hold on some Sanyo-Denki step-syn stepper motors from an > old dot-matrix printer. ANY information on the schematic for the > 103G770-2513 would be appreciated (6 wires). I've tried the web site and > couldn't find anything useful. Also, are these motors worth anything? > I can get a lot of them. > > Thanks in advance, > > Phil Bernard Hello, ive seen some almost number alike steppers in ibm proprinters Sanyo denki step-syn 103G770-2521 DC4,1v 1,1A 1,8 deg/step 103G770-2511 DC4,1v 1,1A 1,8 deg/step i liked them because i think they are nice to use for plotter alike tables i want to make i have already made a plotter with steppers found in epson printers but they are much smaller with less amperes and less torq i think the step syn i have is aprox 2.25 inch in diameter and 2 inch in length and a shaft of 0.25 inch i have been searching for more ibm proprinters but no luck i have no idea what such moters should cost if the price is not so high i would be interested in a few but i don't now if it is word shipping because of the weight my location is holland warning dont open stepper moters if you are curious what the inside looks like it wil destroy the moter it will loose a lot of magnetic current and wil therefore loose torq when put togheter again for more info of how to use steppers visit my plotter page and use the link to ian harries lots of info and links there greeting's from holland luberth