Micheal, There are some truths to what you have said. The 16C84 as far as I know can only handle TTL or Schmitt Trigger inputs. Their are many great other PICs that can handle Analog inputs. Check out the 16C6X and the 16C7X series. You might find w hat you are looking for. As for being OTP, they are ; unless you buy the "JW" pa ckage which can be erased by UV light. If you go this route I suggest buying 3-5 of them so you can prototype faster. A cheap (but good) UV eraser can be bough t from Digi-Key for around $50 dollars (US). Hope this little bit of info helps. Keep up the education, it will pay off BIG time in the end!! Best regards, Steven ***************************************************** Steven Kosmerchock Engineering Technician CELWAVE Phoenix Arizona USA email: steve.kosmerchock@celwave.com ****************************************************** www.geocities.com/researchtriangle/lab/6584 ****************************************************** ---- PICLIST(a)MITVMA.MIT.EDU's Message ---- Dear all, I just want to check whether it is true that the PIC models that can deal with analogue ports can only be blown once. I am doing a project at school that involves making a robot that can follow a white line made of masking tape (MicroMouse by the IEE) and I was wondering what sort of motor we should use. We have a choice between DC and stepper motors but it seems to us that the 16C84 (the chip we use at the moment) cannot deal with analogue signals. Is this true and what other chips can do this? Also, is it true that the chips that can do this are blow once? I just wanted to clear up a few inconsistencies. Anyone know about this? Anyone? At all? Michael