Well, ok. You're right about the size. But would you like your car to leak fuel through the fuel meter? You've tried it, and you know it ain't easy to make such a sensor at home without leakages... I'll try to have a look in RS components, like someone (Marcelo, I think... Sorry! Lost that mail.8( ) suggested. I should have a catalog somewhere in this building... 8) Nuno. Timothy D. Gray wrote: > > not if you make it tiny... 1/4 inch dia. I've gotten 10ml per minute > readings that way before (water not fuel) It took me about 2 weeks to > build it and it did leak :-/ but it could be done. > If you could ensure a clean fuel stream a positive displacement system > would work (Measure 1ml at a time is possible that way.) at work we use a > laser to measure minute flow and particulates, but that is beyond the > scope of a home-brewer. -- _/^\_ __ _____/\_________________________________oOOo__O-O__oOOo______/oo\____ /\/ / Nuno Filipe Freitas Pedrosa __ /..\__/ \ \/\ mailto:Nuno.Pedrosa@oen.siemens.de /`'\\__/-\ __ \/\ \ Tel. : 0049-89-72222342 \__/ \__//@@\ ___/ /\/_______________________________________________/OO\_..__\__/_ \/ \__/