Reggie, >> While the pic may be able to send at this speed, it >> would be hard for it to receive at the same speed. >SNIP > >I have not yet implemented the code on any device yet, >but it will be useful for high speed PIC to PC data >transfer. For really, really fast xfer, use all eight bits of a port, ( the other seven bits of the port will be unusable as outputs ) Hook the pc to the bit at the end of the port. the bit being used must be cleared from previous operation. then the pic program, set the output bit. start bit put the data byte on the port first bit of data shift the bits of the port second bit of data shift third bit shift forth bit shift fifth bit shift sixth bit shift seventh bit shift last data bit clear bit stop bit total is 10 cycles. The pc has the data line setup as a interupt as well as "data in". when the pic puts the start bit on the line, the pc takes an interupt and mindlessly starts reading the bit (in byte format) and storring it in a array. After a certain number of loops, the pc interupt routine stops collecting the state of the data input and starts looking at the beginning of the array to determine what the data bits were. It then stores the data byte and returns from interupt. The thing is that the pc just grabs the data and stuffs it in an array as fast as it can and does not look at what it read. After it is all over, ( determined by how many bytes were stuffed, time) then the pc goes back and tries to determine what came over the line. A word of warning, the pc may take another type of interupt durining the "grab and stuff" time. This would mess up was was stored in the array. A way around this may be to take the total count of grab and stuff cycles from the leading edge of the start bit to the leading edge of the stop bit. This time should be fairly constant unless another interupt occured. In which case the data would be considered bad and thrown out. This could be done with one bit of a parallel port and would only require changing the interupt vector for that port. A serial port could also be used if the proper bit of the uart was used so that the uart would generate an interupt when it received the start bit. Note that the data doesn't go through the uart, it just sets one of the status bits and the status byte of the uart is what is grabbed and stuffed into the array. Should I start looking for professional help? Bill C. Looking this over, I see a flaw with determining the time of the entire transmittion. The leading edge of the stop bit could only be determined if the last bit was a one. If the data was zero, then there would only be the start bit that could be determined. The solution would be to use a second start bit at the end of the data bits and before the stop bit. >This routine can also be useful if you are running on >LP mode and you need to send data a little bit faster. > >> If you are going to do this, I would suggest that you >> use a crystal of such a frequency that you get a common >> serial rate. This would enable the receiver to use >? one of its internal baud rates. >SNIP > >Yes, you are right it should be used with a common >crystal rate to be compatible with standard baud rates. > >Reggie >