I'm trying to fabricate a simple radar system. I was wondering if a pic can react fast enough to measure the span between the transmit pulse and a recieve detection pulse? both signals would be ttl and processed by analog hardware front end. I know it can do it with ultrasonic, but I was wondering about radio and or laser/IR. On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, Tom Handley wrote: > Mark, it sounds like you are describing CHIRP. A long time ago I use to > work with this in airborne RADARs. It was used in a side-looking RADAR on an > RF-4C. Secret `stuff' at the time... That would be one solution and a good > one. In anycase, Dominic is not going to be able to do this in current > digital `main-stream' technology for a 1ns resolution. He's going to have to > use analog with the PIC used for control, processing, driving a display, > and/or communicating with a host platform. Tjaart mentioned charging a cap > but that brings a whole new set of problems. I don't know if Dominic works > for a company with the design tools and the ability to manufacture products > in the 1+ GHZ range. > > If Dominic could provide more details about the target environment, > background `clutter', and why he needs 1ns resolution, maybe we can offer > more help. > > BTW, I think you and I have `crossed paths' before. I live just north of you > in Portland and I created and operated the Northwest Amiga Group (NAG) BBS for > 6 years. If so, please forgive my memory. I'm lousy with names but I never > forget eyes. I can almost hear Andy Warren saying; "See! If I was that old I > would'nt have any memory!". Just kidding Andy ;-) > > - Tom > > At 10:08 PM 6/18/98 -0700, Mark G. Forbes wrote: > >[Dominic explains....] > >"Okay here is why I am looking to get a 1nanosecond clock pulse. My applicati on > >is to measure the distance between 2 unknown points ( at most being 500-600 > >yards > >apart) using a two-way (round trip) ranging principle based on point source > >radio > >systems. This is basically how I want it to work. Transceiver 1 transmits a > >signal(pulses), the signal is received at transceiver 2, and after a fixed > known > >delay , it is re-transmitted back to transceiver 1, is received by transceiv er > >1`s receiver and input to a ranging circuit. The ranging circuit measures > >the time > >difference between the original transmission time and the time of reception > >(less > >the known fixed delay) , which would be a direct measure of the two-way > distance > >when multiplied by the speed of light.This is the problem, the speed of light > >travels at 186,000 miles per second.That translates into roughly 98,208,000 > feet > >per second. For an accurate measurement I would need an oscillator( I guess > >out of > >the question with a pic) that would supply my ranging circuit with a time > period > >that would translate into approximately 1nanosecond per foot. I would like > >to use > >a PIC to do all the conversions( time to feet and/or yards) and drive an LCD > >display. Any help will be greatly appreciated." > > > >Ok...everybody together now....."You're doing it all wrong!" > > > >That's a great idea, in principle, but as you've already observed, > >it's hard to put into practice because of the annoyingly fast rate > >that light moves about. Galileo had the same problem, *way* back when. > > > >This problem has already been solved, and you don't even need two radio > >transmitters to solve it. One will do. > > > >Create a radio signal of some reasonable frequency, say 902MHz. That's the > >ISM band in the US, a fairly un-regulated area to work in. Apply a modulating > >signal such that the carrrier frequency is swept up and down over a range. > >This is technology you can get off-the-shelf. Point your signal at the > >distant target, where you've installed an antenna, configured as a reflector. > >You don't actually *have* to use a reflecting antenna, but it'll make > >the signal discrimination a lot easier. At 900MHZ, these things don't have > >to be very large. > > > >The transmitting antenna sends out a signal, and it sweeps up in frequency. O ne > >round-trip-time later, the receiving antenna begins to pick up the signal > >that's been reflected back from the reflecting antenna at the other end. But > >right now, the transmitter is sending a signal that's higher in frequency > >than it was when it started, and so there's a difference in frequency between > >the transmitted and received signals. And that difference is proportional to > >the round-trip-time, and hence the distance. Using a mixing circuit, combine > >a little of the transmitter signal with the received signal. This will genera te > >sum and difference signals, and you filter out the carrier frequency and the > >sum, and keep the difference. At zero distance, there's no difference between > >the two, and the difference frequency goes to zero (DC). As the distance > >increases, the difference frequency goes up. The sweep rate of the modulation > >provides the scale factor, and now all you have to sense is a signal that's > >somewhere in the audio range of frequencies. That's a *much* easier problem! > > > >Note that you can also determine speed this way; set the sweep to zero for a > >fixed frequency, and the difference tells you whether the target is moving > >or not, and how fast. Alternate sweeping with fixed frequency, and you can > >also tell which way it's going! This is some of the science behind radar guns . > > > >This works with light, too, and it's the principle behind things like laser > >rangefinders. Even cameras have things like this, these days, so it's not > >an expensive problem to solve. > > > >The ARRL handbook will have an assortment of useful information on RF design, > >which is where you need to be looking. A PIC could probably do the sweep > >control and the signal detection, but you've got other things to figure out > >that dwarf simple things like the control circuit. > > > >Mark G. Forbes, R & D Engineer | Acres Gaming, Inc. (541) 766-2515 > >KC7LZD | 815 NW 9th Street (541) 753-7524 fax > >forbesm@peak.org | Corvallis, OR 97330 > >http://www.peak.org/~forbesm > >mforbes@acresgaming.com > > > >"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing > >about." > >---Anomalous > > > > >