I have never used a PIC before and I want to play with one without spending very much money. Until now I have ignored them - I use the 68HC11 - but the newer 12C5xx 8-pin devices caught my eye. Is there an up to date FAQ? The most recent one I found was 1995. Can anyone recommend a good introductory book - or a web based tutorial? What do I need to get started? If I can get away with it I would like to make my own serial programmer and download the software. I found a few circuit designs on the web and they look very similar. Should I be wary of the ones that derive the programming voltage from the PC port? Should I consider making a parallel programmer to handle other versions of the PIC? I understand I can find the software I need for a PC on Microchip's site. Is there anything else I need? Sorry for asking obvious questions. All help is welcome. Thanks. Regards, Graeme ------------------------------------------------------------ Graeme Dunbar School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering The Robert Gordon University Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 1FR, Scotland, U.K. Tel. +44 1224 262415 Fax +44 1224 262444 email g.r.a.dunbar@rgu.ac.uk ------------------------------------------------------------