On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, David Lions wrote: > I understand a micron is one millionth of a metre. When people say, > And some other mysteries while I am here : PTM: And some more> If you take one 74xxxx inverter chip and make an Xtal oskillator of one of its inverters everything is OK. What happends when you make 6 Xtal oskillators with different frequencies of those 6 inverters: You got lots of noise but nothing you wanted. You have so small chip that the inverters hear each other. (1MHz < f < 4MHz) How on earth it is possible to make these multimillion transistor processors work without troubles if one tiny 74xxxx has troubles in this kind of simple thing ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTM,pasi.mustalahti@utu.fi,ptmusta@utu.fi, http://www.utu.fi/~ptmusta Lab.ins. (mikrotuki) ATK-keskus/Mat.Luon.Tdk OH1HEK Lab.engineer (PC support) Computer Center OI7234 Mail: Turun Yliopisto / Fysla, Vesilinnantie 5, 20014 Pt 02-3336669, FAX 02-3335632 (Pk 02-2387010, NMT 0400-555577) --------------------------------------------------------------------------