>I'm new to this I would like to get a routine to control one of the 1684 port as to send data to LCD display using serial link at 2400bps. I'm using pic16c84 at 4mhz with lcd 1x16 from Scott Edwards. >This is the Basic Command to initialize the comm port. >Writen in Qbasic: >OPEN "COM1:2400,N,8,1,CD0,CS0,DS0" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 Take a look at the QBASIC software in our EDE702 LCD Screen Controller IC datasheet. Note the subroutine at the bottom of the code. It of course works with our screen controller IC's, and should work with Scott's. Also, please note that the QBASIC code in the datasheet for our newer EDE702 works without a delay loop, as is used in the EDE700 QBASIC code. -Todd Peterson E-Lab Digital Engineering, Inc. (816) 257-9954 http://www.elabinc.com