Check out these links. Commercial: DIY: Some of the elecronics magazines, including Electronics Now, have done construction projects recently, some better than others (the EN one was quite good). Also I am pretty sure I saw a few more construction projects on the WWW a while ago, but I can't find them now. CIAO - Martin. ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: [OT] Cheap logic analyzer using a PC Author: pic microcontroller discussion list at Internet Date: 6/21/98 1:54 PM Greetings PICers, This is completely OT but if anyone knows of any software written to somehow use the parallel port or the serial port on a PC as a logic analyzer. I only need to have a single channel and need to be able to capture and save the incoming data stream for a period of atleast 5 secs. The data stream is being clocked at about 40 KHz. Please send responses back to Thanks a bunches. Shahid