> >I am working with MPLABC using MPLAB V3.40. >>The PIC I use is a p12c509 Pip02 has a lot of versions, versions 1.14 and 1.26 support directly PIC12C5xx ( and 12C6XX). I send you a zipped packet. Note that latest version needs MPASM include files like P12C508.INC. I also include some most polular files, other are included in Microchip MAPSM-packet. Serial programmer and PIP02 supports all PICS, 8,18,28 and 40 pins. I also have a SMD-adapter for 8 and 18 pins PICs + On-Line adapter for dowloading 'F84 parts in circuit. EPROM type PICs like 12C508 require external power supply, but it is easy to connect. Configuration bits can be set in the compiler or in the PIP02-programming enviroment.