In message <>, Thomas McGahee writes >Bill, >I am not familiar with the 22V10 at this time. > >Maybe someone who knows more about the inner workings of the 22V10 can >help you. > >You can form shift registers from several types of flip flops. You can use >RS and D type and JK types. Look in a databook for the logic structure of the >74165. The shift elements are basically 8 JK flip flops with set/reset >capability. The rest is just and/nand/nor gates. I've just tried putting a '165 into an ispGAL22V10 using the Lattice Synario software. The fitter reported plenty of spare capacity - utilisation was 20%. Leon -- Leon Heller: Amateur Radio Callsign G1HSM Tel: +44 (0) 118 947 1424 See for details of a simple AD9850 DDS system. See " "/diy_dsp.htm for a simple DIY DSP ADSP-2104 system.