Bill, I am not familiar with the 22V10 at this time. Maybe someone who knows more about the inner workings of the 22V10 can help you. You can form shift registers from several types of flip flops. You can use RS and D type and JK types. Look in a databook for the logic structure of the 74165. The shift elements are basically 8 JK flip flops with set/reset capability. The rest is just and/nand/nor gates. Sorry I cannot be of more help at this time. Fr. Tom McGahee ---------- > From: William Chops Westfield > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: Fr. Tom's Shift Register Tutorial > Date: Thursday, June 18, 1998 5:05 PM > > Does something like a 22V10 (ok, specifically a 22V10) contain enough buried > state to make an internal shift register with external latches? (ie shift in > 8 data bits in a "buried" shift register, and then on your 9th clock latch > those values out to the actual pins...) > > BillW