I'm writing a simple (ANSI C, no C++ or MFC) program, to mimic the user interface of PIC projects. This allows others to see how the text and LEDs behave in response to user control. At the moment, I'm using Visual C to create what they call a Windows Console Application. Chars sent to STDOUT are directed to a DOS window, which behaves much like a "glass teletype". I'd like to send chars to particular places on the screen, to mimic display modules for instance. I know you can send escape sequences to terminals, and my colleague has used Gnu C to write a DOS app that does this. I tried adding escape sequences but the windows console does not interpret the escape sequences. It just prints a left arrow char when it sees an escape char. It seems the console is _not_ ANSI compatible! I cannot find any mention of cursor-placing functions such as gotoxy() in the on-line help. Anybody know how to place the text in a Visual C console app console? Yep, I know Visual C can create Windows apps with nice fancy GUIS, but I really have no time to climb the steep learning curve. I just want something quick and dirty, text based, and ANSI C so I can re-use routines on compilers for microcontrollers. Cheers, Keith