> >Of course, you need an Ethernet controller (unless you use SLIP, etc). > >Does anyone know what's the cheapest, simplest ethernet controller > >chipset out there? Those cheap network printer controller boxes > >must have something simple... I recently happened upon a SPIDERPORT which is a box with an 8 bit uproc and about 256k of dram. It has ethernet, and ten serial ports. Purpose, connection of ten RS232 terminals to ethernet (you know. the old dumb terminals). This unit is about ten years old, but I wonder if anyone has done a one chip wonder replacement for these units (surely not EVERYTHING requires mickey$oft) if anyone on the list has any info on these I'd appreciate it, there's an e2prom on board which allows login to set up the IP addresses etc. No password, no new config. The upgradable portions of the OS are on said E2PROM so erasure is probably not an option. I'll shut up now.