Most hilareous, this discussion, though is has certenly interesting points.. What amuses me is that the word "PIC", though spelled "pik", but pronounced the same, means what in english would be called "cock". So to us Dutch we are discussing the features of a cock epilator.. Keith Howell wrote: > Leonardo De Palo wrote: > > > writing about girls, hair, battery powered and device, the general > > hilarity is easy to explode. > > The word "explode" makes me nervous. > > > But now, becaming serious, the business of the depilator is big. > > In my country is selled a permanent hair removal caming from Cordoba > > Argentina, at the equivalent price of 3.500 US dollars. > > Three _thousand_ five hundred??!! Or three bucks fifty cents? > > > This apparatus ... generate 200 to 800 Volt, 45 milliampere at 1 Mhz. > > Ouch! > > A small bulb lights inside my head (metaphorically)... > > South America... electricity... humans... > > The people selling this 'apparatus': are they connected in some way > with the more military-oriented governments and their security > people? Does the apparatus include a wooden chair and strong leather > straps? > > > This device is powered from main line at 220 volt > > Doesn't this sound a suspiciously... _large_ power source? > > > The spit out at the bikini-line of the hair is not my primary job > > Nor mine, but then I've not seen any employment ads for it either. > > > Using current at high frequency the > > bulb of the hair is permanent destroyed. > > And perhaps the owner? > > Well I wish you luck in in your endeavours to apply > the electrodes of enlightenment to the nipples of ignorance! -- Regards, ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wim E. van Bemmel No Unsollicited Commercial Life is about Interfacing .... ------------------------------------------------------------------