>This apparatus, (reading the technical description) are able to generate a >variable tension between 200 and 800 Volt, with 45 milliampere at 1 Mhz. >The front panel have a timer and a couple pushbutton to increase or decrease >the power at the tweezer. > >Using current at high frequency the bulb of the hair is permanent destroied. > >My call of PIC DEPILATOR is for discuss about the value of the current, the >frequency (fixed or sweeped) the time and other unknow parameter and the way >to use the PIC to controll all the function of the apparatus. How is this device targetet at the hair? Do you have to point a needle tip thing to the skin there the hair enter? I dont understand how high frequency can be part of the trick, but maybe have something to do with concentration to the hair root, i dont know. Anyway, it is a design trick to make the output transformer very small. A very simple driver/oscillator for that transformer might be constructed from only a transistr and a few C and R, but probably work better and have less power consumption (good for battery) if built more advanced. And you wish to control the voltage and current. There is of course also a question of EMC... I believe the whole thing can be built in form and size of a electrical tooth brush (just dont put the depilator in your mouth and kill your teeth...!) To stay on this lists topic, use a PIC for timing of the treatment, battery charging, flashing a LED or whatever seem fancy ;) It seem to mee you already have all information necessary, written like this: f=1MHz, current limited to 45mA, and voltage limited to 800V. A more sporty non-cheating way is to try out the currents etc on yourself (not your girlfriend, if you wish to keep her... ) /Morgan / Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ \ mrt@iname.com, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 /