I have a PICSTART plus which I use principally to program 16F84's. Until now I have NOT been programming in circuit. Today I have added a 5 lead ISP lead to a new PCB design and tried in circuit programming. It works, BUT. The system will program and declare success on the verify which occurs immediately after programming but will fail on subsequent verifies. If I take the PIC out of the PCB and place it in the programmer it will verify OK. Summary: - ISP programming works properly - Verifying immediately after programming works OK - Verifying subsequently fails. I could get all keen with an oscilloscope and several (many?) hours of interesting investigation (and probably not learn anything :-)) but, perhaps, someone has been-here-done-this already and will be able to advise me of what may be wrong. Wiring length is about 200mm (8 inches) using discrete wires. I have spread these apart and had them together with no change in results POTENTIALLY RELEVANT INFORMATION: MPLAB is 3.22.02 (21 May 1997) The PICSTART plus reports version 1.20.00 when it initialises. (The "HELP" screen in MPLAB mentions the version 1.30.00 programmer) I have 22K on the reset (MCLR) lead to an anti brownout cct (pnp transistor switched to Vcc) and 10K on port B7 to a capacitor. B6 drives a ULN2803 directly which has (as I recall) about 4k7 internal resistor. This means that MCLR and B7 effectively have a 10K load and B6 a lower load. I can't RTFM on the hardware for the programmer as the manual has gone to where-ever manuals go when they see you looking for them (presuming that one came with the system).