DON'T use the PicStart+ if you run in WinNT4! It will not work, I know from bad experience! If you are on Win95 it seems to work, but if you use MPLAB 3.31 you must also in stall an updated dll first. This problem might have been solved in 3.40 though. Bo ---------- From: Husni Hammoud[SMTP:hammoudh@MY-DEJANEWS.COM] Sent: den 12 juni 1998 01:08 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Picstart plus support new 12CXXX ??? I'm new to this Pic Things and I have couple of questions please forgive my li ttle knowladge : -I would like to buy a new Pic programer with limited budget and it must Support the new Pic12Cxxx Siries of Microchip. Is the Picstart plus is a good choice? any other options? - Is there any Pic else then pic684 with eeprom Program Area? - Is the 12Cxxx series EEprom,Eprom widowed or OTP? Please Advise Thanks in advance H. Hammoud -----== Sent via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----- Easy access to 50,000+ discussion forums