On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Lauri Pirttiaho wrote: > Re Carlos': > >I'm really new to the PIC Microcontrollers. Recently I bought a very good > >Beginner level programmer from ITUTECH and i tried to make my first assembly. I > >built a card of prototypes but I could not find the crystal recommended for t he > >PIC. I use another vendors 4MHz, 1.5832MHz and 5MHz with 22 and 33 pf > >condensators but nothing happen. The pic not work. The circuit is well conect ed. > >No mistakes. The chip pass the verify, programming and read test but later, i n > >the card, nothing happen. Where the error is? > > The first question is: "what should happen?" > > In these situations it is always helpful to know some details of the > circuit design and the program. The problem may be anywhere. > > Now, first you should check that the oscillator begins running: in this > an oscilloscope is an invaluable tool. If it does not run you have a > lot of choices: crystals are bad (unlikely), you have stray capacitances > (possible), your program sets the oscillator options incorrectly, > you have wrong operating voltages etc. > > If the oscillator is ok then your program should be executing. Now > the "nothing happens" is probably a software problem. If you e.g. > judge the "nothing happens" from the i/o ports, i.e. you do not > get any expected output, you should check that the port is > programmed as an output (be extra careful with the register > bank selection) and that you do not overload the outputs. > Also, RA4 is open drain so it does not source anything. > Possible reasons for the "nothing happening" are vast so > in the case the trouble shooting beats you, you could probably > post some more details. > > Happy PICking! > > -- Lauri > > --- > For more info. > > Hi, all is correct. Only an addendum: check the level on the /MCLR pin. It should be Vdd. Vdd should be also Vdd . Imre