To make a Schottky transistor just connect a schottky diode between Base and collector of any BJT. For an NPN connect Anode to Base and Catode to Collector. For PNP do the opposite. Regards, Pedro At 09:48 PM 6/9/98 +0200, you wrote: >< curious, maybe someone here on the list have a clue > >I think most of you found the same as me: >Sometimes we would like to have a transistor with extra low Vbe. > >We can sometimed use a germanium transistor, but they are rather expensive, >do not come in small packages, and do not like heat, etc... > >There are disctete schottky diodes with advantages like low forward voltage >and high speed. > >There are schottky transistors in some logic chips: LSTTL etc. > >But why don«t we see discrete schottky transistors?? I believe they would >be very fast, have low Vbe etc. > >/Morgan >/ Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ >\, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 / >