Vaya, un punto para Microchip, y -10 puntos para algun que otro zoquete en la li sta... -----Mensaje original----- De: Bob Shaver [SMTP:bobs@PMDINC.COM] Enviado el: martes 9 de junio de 1998 18:40 Para: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Asunto: Re: MPLAB Serial Sim. I have used MPLAB to simulate the serial transmit on a 16C73. Remember that at 9600 baud it takes just over 1 millisecond to transmit a character. In PIC cycles this is a LONG time. In MPSIM mode, this can be a VERY LONG time (30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on your PC). You can use the timer facility in MPLAB to see if you have run the simulator longer than a character time without seeing the status bit set. If this happens, then go back and verify you have set _all_ of the necessary serial control bits. Bob. On Monday, June 08, 1998 3:57 PM, Jay Mielke [SMTP:JayQ@AOL.COM] wrote: > Hi all! > > I'm pretty new at this so please tred easy on me. I've got one question: > Does the MPLAB simulator simulate async serial output for the PIC16C74A? > Whenever I run through a simulation, the simulator gets to the point where it > is checking TXSTA,1 to see if the TXREG is empty and ready to send more data, > but the bit is never set therefore the simulator stays in this loop. > > Thanx in advance, > Jay Mielke >