I programmed PIC16C74A/JW with code protect on. The PIC did not work. Then erased about 1hr (normal 7 - 10 min) and after programming with code protect off it worked. So, let try to erase it longer time and may this helps. Ivan Cenov okto7@botev.ttm.bg -----Original Message----- From: aj pollock [SMTP:ajpoll@NETCOM.CA] Sent: 10 June 1998 07:17 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: dead pics? Hello! I have two pic16c57/jw eprom chips that may be useless trinkets. After being re-programmed approximately 40 times, my programmer tells me they are not blank. They usually take about 5 minutes to erase. I have left them in the eraser for up to several hours. A dump of each chip results in a 59 byte file that contains the following code: :08100000FF0FFF0FFF0FFF0FB0 :021FFE000000E1 :00000001FF This is the same file that results from a dump of an empty programmer socket. Are these chips dead? If they are, how and why? Any help will be appreciated.