< curious, maybe someone here on the list have a clue > I think most of you found the same as me: Sometimes we would like to have a transistor with extra low Vbe. We can sometimed use a germanium transistor, but they are rather expensive, do not come in small packages, and do not like heat, etc... There are disctete schottky diodes with advantages like low forward voltage and high speed. There are schottky transistors in some logic chips: LSTTL etc. But why don«t we see discrete schottky transistors?? I believe they would be very fast, have low Vbe etc. /Morgan / Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ \ mrt@iname.com, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 /