Myke - thanks for the book page. Getting recommendations for the mass of books out there is useful. One of the UK mags (Everyday Practical Electronics I think) had an offer on 'Bopping to the Boolean Boogie'. I've not seen it on the UK shelves so didn't want to order it unseen despite what looked like an interesting review. Your recommendation has helped make the decision. I ought to pay full price for one book. 3-4 years back my local branch of the UK book chain WH Smiths had a new copy of 'Art of Electronics' in their January sale for 3 pounds (<5 bucks!!). Imagine my surprise when a year later another not so local branch had the matching Students Handbook for 5 pounds (8 bucks) new! To top my luck I was at a flea market in San Jose two months ago when I stumbled across a copy of Thom Hogan's Programmers PC Source Book. Thinking it might be dated and not wanting to add to my back home transatlantic baggage (I had yet to visit Fry's!) I put it down despite the 1 dollar offer price. When the vendor insisted it must be worth 50 cents I just couldn't refuse. Glad to see you consider it to be such a classic so I reckon I got my money's worth. Brian Brian Jones Technical Planner Java Technology Centre IBM Hursley