Its hard to wrong in choosing Tektronics. The have an 800 series thats really nice. You can pay less but you'll get less. Check with Future Electronics for pricing. regards, Paul Beyerl Clyde Smith-Stubbs wrote: > I'm wanting a hand-held oscilloscope; does anyone have any > recommendations and/or experience with any? Suggestions for > places to buy from would be welcome too. > > TIA, Clyde > > -- > Clyde Smith-Stubbs | HI-TECH Software > Email: | Phone Fax > WWW: | USA: (408) 490 2885 (408) 490 2885 > PGP: finger | AUS: +61 7 3354 2411 +61 7 3354 2422 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > HI-TECH C: compiling the real world.