Hi, I've been reviewing section 29 (instruction set) of this manual (DS31029A)) and have found a couple of examples that I don't understand. Perhaps they're errors, but probably not. On pg. 29-29 (MOVF) Example 1: MOVF INDF, 0 Before Instruction W= 0x17 FSR=0xC2 Contents of Address (FSR) = 0x00 After Instruction W = 0x17 FSR= 0xC2 Contents of Address (FSR)= 0x00 Z=1 Is this correct? If so, why? What would happen if the instruction had been: MOVF INDF, 1 ? ---------------------------------------------- On pg. 29-36 (RLF) and similarly for 29-37 (RRF) we have Example 2 RLF INDF,1 Before Instruction W= xxxx xxxx FSR= 0xC2 Contents of Address (FSR) = 0011 1010 C=1 After Instruction W= 0x17 FSR= 0xC2 Contents of Address (FSR) = 0111 0101 C=0 A few other cases are given where W starts off as unknown and ends up as 0x17. My question is why does W become 0x17? Thanks for your help and please respond direct. Ron astone@erols.com