On Thu, 11 Jun 1998 billw@CISCO.COM wrote: > What is Linux/FreeBSD/NetBSD binary compatibility like? Traditionally, > a major problem with releasing "unix" tools is that there are a billion > varieties of unix, and it frequently takes source AND a unix wizard to > produce a running binary for anything different than the developer's version. They aren't binary compatible, but we're talking about free tools with all source available. Getting the source to compile on different platforms can be a problem, but there are ways around it such as Autoconf, a script which autodetects a million and one things about your platform and sets everything up for you. I don't like it much though, because it can be a pain for the developer to get working properly in the first place and tends to make a mess of the Makefile(s). Another way is just to have a set of commented out #defines your Makefile, and tell the installer to "comment out the relevant #defines in the Makefile". --------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. -------------- : Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham : ---------- http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/1532/ ---------