Hi Folks, News for PP1, WARP-3, WARP-17, PICSTART 16B, PICSTART 16C and 12CE673/4 users. For all using any TM4 based programmer (PP1, warp-3, PICSTART 16B pheonix upgrade), an upgrade TM4 driver is now available at: ftp://pipeline.com.au/users/newfound/zip/tm4-com.zip This driver adds the 12CE763 and 12CE674 parts with seperate choices for the OTP and JW varieties. This choice allows for the preprgrammed CAL WORD in the OTP parts as his location is not to be over written or blank checked. For a virgin, unerased JW part, please program it (after you scratch the CAL WORD on the bottom of the chip of course) as an OTP part as the CAL WORD is still intact. 12C761 and 12C672 parts have always been supported in the existing driver not withstanding the fact that they were incorrectly marked as 16C67x parts. Duh! Anyway the OTP feature never was implimented until now. PICSTART 16C: I have both a drop in replacement 17CXX firmware chip and better still a 18-pin or 28-pin wire-it-in-yourself firmware replacement that allows the PICSTART 16C to program EVERY ISP program mode chip. These are types currently supported: 12C(E)508/509 12C(E)671/672/673/674 16C620/621/622 16C554/556/558 16C61/62/62/63/63/64/65/66/67 +A types 16C641/642/661/662 16C71/710/711/715/72/73/74/76/77 +A types 16F83/84/C84 16C923/924 14000 The 18/28-pin wire-in replacement means that you can use your own PICSTART 16C to program your own firmware replacement chip, a 16C84 would be ideal but a 16C62 is good if you don't (YET) have a 16C84 programmer. Anyway, this has remained on my harddisk for around 6 months now. Is there any interest in this upgrade? Please email me directly at newfound@pipeline.com.au if you are interested. Warp-17 users with the TM4 type firmware and driver please download your upgrade from here: ftp://pipeline.com.au/users/newfound/zip/warp-17.zip This driver uses the FIFO on the UART and works much better under windows 3.1 and 95. Thanks for the bandwidth. Jim