Franck, We do understand you problems, but we have been through the newsgroup discussion a large number of times over the past twelve months, and the majority of us wish to keep it to a list only basis. Although, the number of Totally Off Topic (TOT) messages that have been appearing are annoying for sure, they have nothing to do with embedded systems, let alone the PIC! This does need to be culled. The number of TOTTIE messgaes ( that is Totally Off Topic That Infuriate Everybody messages 8-) ) are probably annoying you most .. yes? And you begrudge having to download a load of stuff that is of completely no interest to you or is covered elsewhere in the USENET. For example, the Microsoft anti-trust lawsuit. This is understandable and all of the peploe on this list, inlcuding myslef, should try to keep on topic. kind regards, SW. ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Switch to newsgroup - quit the list? Author: at INTERNET Date: 04/06/98 02:54 What is the command to quit the list? By the way, I think we should get our own newsgroup, because I don't think with the # of messages we have it's not a good idea to get on the list. I am using a modem and each time I log on, I have to dl more than 150 msg where I only ready 10% depending on the subject. It's overkill. The list is to popular to be productive anyway. Franck.