>I found the general connection of external parallel memory in the >datasheets of the PIC17C75X. There is a (74HC)138 shown as the address >decoder, but not explained. You would use that to access the upper 64K banks of the 128K chip. >My idea is that I connect the 16 address lines of both memory chips in >parallel to the 74373s. The 2 x 8bit data lines are - of cause - >formed together to a 16 bit bus. Right. >Is there any mistake in my idea? If you don't need to field-reprogram, go with standard EPROMs. >Can I run or do I HAVE TO run the PIC in microprocessor mode then ? Your >idea of a setup program in the internal memory is good. Lets presume this >for the question. Or: What happens when I use the external memory without >GAL and I use additionaly internal memory ? GAL is only to provide customizable bank switching. >Can I have a look on the bios code to have a hint for my application ? >(in case of copyrights - better send it directly to me: >A.Dante@City.ac.uk) Can't provide it - company proprietary, and not complete. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Statistical Research, Inc. - Westfield, New Jersey USA ==================================================================