Okay how many of us are going to call these suckers and yell at them? tip of the day: How to kill a fax machine. you have a fax? scotch tape? 4 sheets of paper? that's enough. first you tape all the sheets together, and then you insert it in your fax, you scotch the open so it makes a never ending loop. Dial the number. leave it on and spam their fax machine :) If your machine doesn't advance the paper before dialing, well you can tape both ends while it's sending, and for the more original people, you could always write a nice message like "Stop crapping on usenet PLEASE". I've read that on another mailing list, thought I could share it with you guys :)) I do not recommend this to anyone, and I take no responsabilities about anything in the content of this message. :) ----------------------------------------------- Eric Slight ericslight@hotmail.com eslight@matrox.com