>intrusive noise whilst 'creating'. Not something that any of my blind >friends would appreciate. Give them the option! Most blind folks tend to have enhanced perception in other sensory inputs so as to be able to handle things that would mess up "normal" folks. They aren't stupid - let them make the choice, instead of Billy's Boys doing it for them. >layout is very important in producing a document that can work effectivly >(sad, but true). WordStar worked fine for me for years. Shoot, it even ran my laser printer! >Why just blame Microsoft? If the next best thing to come out is Java (ha!), True, let's put the blame where it really belongs - XEROX. PARC came up with GUI's so let's nail them to the wall. >This is the perfect oppertunity for a third party to come in and design some >standards. If other software manufacturers like the idea they will Geo-Works. >windows. Everybody uses it. Everybody wins. Is anybody doing this? Nope. Everybody except Bill Gates. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Statistical Research, Inc. - Westfield, New Jersey USA ==================================================================