Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 07:51:55 -0400 Reply-to: From: Matt Bennett Subject: Re: 16c74A incorrect ADC result (long) To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU PIC development writes: > > Has anyone who has used the example code for the A/D convertor > on the 16c74A noticed "leakage" between channels? > > I don't know if it's because I'm not waiting long enough > for the internal capacitor to settle or what, but I seem > to get slightly different values read from AN2, depending > on the voltage on AN1. Yes, I have seen the same effect - it seems to occur especially if AN2 is being driven from a (too) high impedance source (100 kOhm pot to save on power usage, for example). Besides providing a lower impedance source, increasing the sampling time should help. Hope that works.. Cheers Roland should help