At 09:13 AM 2/06/98 +1000, you wrote: >If I remember correctly, someone was trying to single step code with >a PIC. > >Couldn't you achieve this by using a monostable on the OSC1 line >connected to a push button. I guess you could also send it a stream >of 'X' bits to speed things up a little. > >Just a thought. > >Tony > > >PicNPoke Multimedia 16F84 Beginners PIC Tools. > >**PLUS** - PicNPlay - PicNPlan - PicNPrep - PicNPost >PicNPort - DT Type Saver - *new* PicNQuiz. >Recent addition - Hex To Source converter. > > >Email > > Yes, I was looking at single stepping, but I wanted to do it with no external hardware on the clock control other than a debounced step button, and I was looking st how to control this internally. This I have done!. As for your suggestion, yes, this will work, but need to clock 4 times for each instruction Dennis -=====================================================================- Dennis Plunkett: Embedded Hardware, Software design NEC Australia DRMASS ph 03 9264-3867 -=====================================================================-