Actually, I think things will eventually be forced to get better with regards to nonstandard output from Windows because the same things that break screen readers also break automated testing procedures. It is much easier to have a script that sends commands and waits for responses than it is to try to automate raster-based tasks. It, of course, is feasible, but most folks would probably rather do the former. The question was raised as to what other kinds of information gets missed. Well, a perfect example occurs in Microsoft Word. When somebody misspells a word, the automated spell checker draws a wavy red line under it. No text is generated, but that's not bad. What's bad is the fact that no standard alarm type routine seemed to exist to allow for the screen reader to detect that something had happened so that it could hoot or laugh or trigger a whip to crack over the typist head. I have heard other reports that certain applications may silently display errors so that the operator who can't see the screen doesn't know that anything is wrong until the document gets ruined or something else bad happens. If I sound harsh or sarcastic, it is because people who know a lot more than I do say that it is totally possible to have a GUI for those who need or want it and also have ways to allow other types of input and output to peacefully coexist with the GUI. Smart design isn't usually an either/or proposition. It is usually a "and" proposition in that you can do it one way and you can also do it the other way if the first way doesn't work. If I write an improvement to something I have already done and someone in my group says that he or she can no longer do XYZ, I feel bad and try to fix it. Microsoft has been told repeatedly about these problems for five or six years by now and they are doing far too little. They are Vic tomes of their own success. Otherwise, we would go somewhere else and do something else.:-( I will not waist any more of this group's time since this is so far off-topic, but I wish those who want to create UNIX or DOS tools that use the PicStart Plus all the best. If you want to put a GUI in it, fine as long as we can also use the command-line for automation, speech, etc. Martin McCormick WB5AGZ Stillwater, OK OSU Center for Computing and Information Services Data Communications Group