Hello Folks, I am going to use the 17C756 in an environment with a signal processor. Its task is the feedback control of 4 servo motors (using PWM and shaft encoder sensors) guided by a TI C80 signalprocessor.It is a uni project. The board is already roughly designed, but there are still many questions left. Reading the manual and phoning to Microchip solved some problems, but not all. For example: 1) How to use serial in-circuit programming with external Flash-EPROM memory and RS232 drivers ? a) How does the address decoder look like ?- Do I need one ? b) Do I need the progamming voltage (13V) for the PIC (not requ. for the memory (Am29010 by AMD)!) c) I'm going to use MPSIM. How can I setup the programming transfer? d) In the datasheet there are shown some resistors to use the serial port pins also for other purposes (when not programming). Can I use 4.7 KOhm for that? 2) Can I use the Capture ports (as I believe) as simple interrupt pins ? 3) I use a parallel2serial-port extension with a 74HCT165 to get 16 inputs more by using a serial (USART) port. Has anybody experience with this ? I believe there are only few 17C75X users so far. I would be happy if those few could work together to get the best out of it. Please contact me via PICLIST AND directly at my London e-mail address: A.Dante@City.ac.uk Thanks for any answers! Andreas Dante