Thomas McGahee >For those who may not know, >PONG was the very first video game. David VanHorn wrote: > BZZZT.. > The first commercial video game was "space war". > It didn't catch on. It had a sculpted fibreglass shell > The game was two "spaceships" shooting at each > other, and the sun could have gravity set to normal, > none, and reverse. BZZZT.. The first commercial video game was "Computer Space". It had the sculpted fiberglass shell. It did not have adjustable gravity. The commercial "Space Wars" (based on the earlier PDP-1 game by Steve "Slug" Russell) was introduced many years later (1978?) by Cinematronics. It had adjustable gravity and various other interesting game options. It was implemented using a processor made from SSI and MSI TTL. The PIC16C66/67/76/77 is roughly comparable. Pong was considered the first >successful< commercial video game.