On 30 May 98 at 22:22, Nichole Petty wrote: > ...I have written my first PIC serout routine and it doesn't work. > It is suppose to send 5 bytes of data from an array at 9,600 baud > inverted... Looks to me like the following instruction RLF SSHIFT,F ; SHIFT PULSE BITS RIGHT actually shifts bits left into the carry, which would result in sending msb first instead of lsb first. RRF seems like what you may want instead. Also, if I read your code right, it appears you may be sending your serial data in the 'true' form, not the 'inverted' form. True form (0 to 5 volt swing): - Idle state (logical 1) maintains interface pin low - Start bit (logical 0) sets interface pin high - Data bits set interface pin high for 0, low for 1 - Stop bit (logical 1) sets interface pin low Inverted form (0 to 5 volt swing): - Idle state (logical 1) maintains interface pin high - Start bit (logical 0) sets interface pin low - Data bits set interface pin high for 1, low for 0 - Stop bit (logical 1) sets interface pin high Steve