Dr. Imre Bartfai wrote: > > Hi all, > > there is only a legal "lock". Here follows quote from the Software > License: > > ... Licensee may not network the software or otherwise use it on more than > one computer terminal at the same time. Copies may only be made for > archival or backup purposes > > [end of quote] Not sure if this is what you were really talking about, since the message you quoted didn't seem to have much to do with your new text.. While most software does say something like this, it is pretty much unenforcable on most software sales. In several cases the courts have ruled that you do own the software you buy and can modify it for your own purposes. Now an actual software LEASE (similar to leasing equipment) may not be so lenient, but for the most part the courts have been pretty much "if it looks like a sale of an item, it is a sale." > > I think it is clear. Any violation of the terms and conditions is a CRIME > and will be prosecuted by the full extent of the law (at least in our > country). I think it is fair that somebody working hard to create a > program will be saved from piracy (what would you do if YOU were the > victim of a software piracy, i. e. you made a software and could sell it > only one copy). On the other hand, most software producents (except > Microsoft) can be entered into a fair bargain. > > Regards, > > Dr. Imre Bartfai >