Hello to all! I have been a read-only member of the list for approximately 2000 messages. Due to all the questions about MPLAB, though I have not used the software myself, I have come to the conclusion it is difficult to use. After this prologue, it is suitable with the question: is MPLAB the best program (only?) to convert to hex from assembler code? Where can I download this software (is it free?) and how do I use it? I have win95 and winNT4.0. As you can understand from these questions, I'm a beginner in pic's, (and programming) but I do have reasonable understanding of logic circuits (and, or xor and a bit more...). It would be nice if anybody could help me. As this information probably is known by most of the members of the list, answers by private email are preferred. I will not be responsible for the list getting spammed with answers to my silly amateur-question. Please ignore any grammatical and spelling error. My spell-checker is in Norwegian. ------------------------------------------------------------ Stig Brautaset Norwegian electronics student sbrautas@c2i.net http://home.c2i.net/sbrautas ICQ - 11052183 ------------------------------------------------------------