Here goes. I'd like to program a 16C54 and I'm not sure I'm getting it to run correctly. I have a lot of assumptions but I'll try to be detailed: I wrote this just to see if I could get an output and assembled it with SPASM: ; PIC PROJECT: "squarewave ; Written May 28, 1998 ; last revision 5/28/98 DEVICE PIC16C54,HS_OSC,WDT_OFF,PROTECT_OFF RESET Start ;Set reset vector to address at Start ;(PIC will jump to this when reset) org 8 ;Start of available RAM count0 DS 1 ;Assign labels to registers 08h & 09h org 0 ;Start of code space clr Count0 clr Count1 Start mov !RA,#00000001b ;Set data direction register for port A ;(make bit 0 an input) mov !RB,#10000000b ; make bit 7 an output ; ; ; make outpin pin hi ; begin mov RB, #10000000b ;RB.7 is output pin ; pause for a certain period of time clr count0 :waitloop5 djnz count0, :waitloop5 ; waiting loop mov RB, #00000000b ;rb.7 low ; pause for a certain period of time clr count0 :waitloop6 djnz count0, :waitloop6 ; waiting loop ;restart jmp begin ;endless loop ;end It appears to work okay with psim. I programmed a PICSTART plus using MPLAB and it supposedly works. I hooked Vdd to 5v along with /reset. I hooked Vss to ground. I hooked up OSC1 and OSC2 to a DIP package 4mhz crystal. But I get no output from portB.7 (or any other) Any advice? Thanks in advance, Phil Bernard