I just hook a piezo up directly to the PIC pins, but if you excite the piezo at or near its resonant frequency you might need a resistor to prevent excessive flexing of the disc. You won't need a capacitor if you drive the piezo with two output pins. Drive the two pins in opposition (an XOR works well for this), and when the sound is off just make sure that both pins are set to the same level. If you drive a peizo with one pin relative to GND or Vcc a series cap might be a good idea since otherwise the disc will be forced to flex in one direction only. A piece of advice - try several different types of piezos with your design, the actual sound level and sound quality produced varies widely. If you find you are overdriving the piezo because you need to run it near its resonant frequency, trying a different piezo can solve the problem easily. CIAO - Martin. ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Piezo speaker with PIC Author: pic microcontroller discussion list at Internet Date: 5/28/98 9:04 PM I want to add sounds to a product--beeps and boops and the like. Can I just hook a piezo speaker to a PIC output pin? Or should I use a resistor and/or capacitor in series?