Drive the buzzer thru a pnp transistor as thus: +5V I/O 10k 100k | ---/\/\/\/\---+---/\/\/\/\---+ | E_____| | B |/ +-------|\__ C | | / / +-----+ | | BUZ +-----+ | GND Use a "frequency-controlled" type of buzzer (which works like conventional speakers), and you can generate various frequency to your liking. If you like I can mail you the formula for generating melodies, like "DO, RE, MI", etc. Regards, Peter Tiang ====================================== >>> NCS Products 29/May/1998 09:04am >>> I want to add sounds to a product--beeps and boops and the like. Can I just hook a piezo speaker to a PIC output pin? Or should I use a resistor and/or capacitor in series?