On Wed, 27 May 1998, Keith Howell wrote: > > May you be reverse engineered by your own > diabolical methods, you bounder! I'm one of the few that may come out in favor of reverse engineering. There is very little new in the world, and a lot of engineering is reverse engineering, some methods are to a bigger degree than others. It makes a lot of sense to find out as much about a competitor's product as you can easily do. Seeing someone else's code has never been that important to me, but I think it has a legitimate place in today's market. Would Microsoft think twice about it? I doubt it. How a person uses the reverse engineered information is another matter, both legally and morally, but you or I are not in a place to prejudge them, or the person who offers the tools. IMHO, The language you used to condemn the person writing the original post(I did not quote it) was very strong and should be reserved for people posting html or non-text messages. Cheers, Bob