In-reply-to: <> -------- On Wed, 27 May 1998 14:55:50 +0200 David BALDWIN wrote: > I am looking for some things: > > 1/ PIC asm and simulator under UNIX My first cut was to get the most recent versions of the DOS-based tools from Microchip running in DOSEMU on Linux. MPASM 2.01 MPSIM 5.20 Looking at several Unix-based PIC assemblers it seemed that none of them maintained compatibility with MPASM syntax. So I haven't followed up on this (yet), and am using MPSIM in DOSEMU. For simulators I've just been through this and have found that there are several answers if you are going to only use 16C84 (or 16F84 while keeping the differences in mind): - psim-0.1 - Minimally featured, yet clean code. Directly reads INHX8M files. No documentation. Available at: - picsim - Minimally featured, dependent upon a symbol table file generated by it's sister package, picasm. No documentation. Available at: - nitpic - GUI/X version. I didn't work out what kind of input files it needed. No documentation. Available at the GNUPIC archive: - simulpic - Closest to MPSIM in terms of functionality. Minimal documentation, in Italian. Available at: After looking at these, I am using MPSIM in DOSEMU, but musing about enhancements to simulpic. In particular, adding symbol support and a repeat last command function when you input an empty line to the command parser. David Stone