Hello Maybe set up a Voltage to Frequency converter powered by the 3-30 Volt i/p, use a standard opto isolator and count the pulses? You could look at one of these opto-couplers if you chose an analoug interface & A/D it on the uP's side. SIEMENS IL300 or IL300 Gain Stability +/- 0.005% Linearity 0.01% These analoug opto's have two separate isolated photo diodes, one you use as feed back on the input loop side. ( You could use a op amp that would accept a wide Supply voltage in (3-36V) to control a linear range of i/p voltage to feed back current.) HP HCPL-4562 Wide band 17 MHz Low Temp. Coeffiicient -0.3%/deg. C High Linearity at low drive currents High Gain Typicaly 2.0 >>> Andy Kunz 05/27/98 10:33AM >>> I need to measure a voltage 3-30VDC using a PIC, but the PIC has a totally different ground reference than the voltage I'm supposed to be measuring (the two circuits _are_ connected, but I have no way of knowing how because each install will probably be different). I was thinking that this is an ideal situation for using an opto-isolator, and was wondering if anybody knew in a practical way if this would provide reasonable accuracy with varied temps, etc. Anybody have any other suggestions?