I thought the allowable % error for the baud rate was worked out from how far out the clock can be out after all the bits have been clocked in. Can anyone point to a document on the web that explains this? Second question: On page 9-98 of the 1996/1997 PIC 16/17 Microcontroller data book in table 12-4 they give a table of various crystals and the % error for baud rate using the USART. None of the crystals give exact baud rates. I chose a crystal based on this table thinking it would be one of the crystals giving the most accurate baud rate (I chose 3.579545MHz giving errors of -2.9% for 9600 and 19200 baud). Why does the book have those crystals when the crystals mentioned by contributors to the list, eg 3.6864MHz give exact bald rates? Paul Gaastra pgaastra@hort.cri.nz Technology Development Group, Hort Research Private Bag 3123 fax +64 7 8584705 Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND phone +64 7 8584745